
LinkSermons.Com is a simple blog designed to be a source of spiritual enrichment to christians who happen to browse online. Initially it is a collection of homilies that are on The Link Sunday Newsletter. The idea of a sermons blog came from Otto Paul on a Sunday that he went for mass late and cried that he had missed the homily. He then thought that if this homily would be available on a website in text, audio, video or some other content type, then after mass he would go to get it online and consume it. He shared with his colleagues at work at iSolutions International and they proposed to him that since he is good at web development he could take the task. He built the first version of the site on Drupal on Easter Sunday 2012, but he did not put it online. He got a fear of the consistency of the sermons and tried to organise the regularity. the unplanned nature of the execution made him not to put it up so he could have tiime to plan the blog. He also put Easter Sunday as the day he will put the first blog.

As for now, there are not sermons from priests on the blog. So while trying to negotiate with priests for their inspirirng sermon, we use the Link Newsletter for to get inspiring homilies for your nourishment.

As time passes by, we promise to get more nourishing sources of inspiring sermons in more than just a few content types. The goal is to use audio, video, text and powerpoints to keep as many persons as possible connected to God.

Stay tuned and visit on Mondays, cos, we blog on Sundays.

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